Address Verification

What is CASS Address Database, and Why Would You Need It?

The latest release from cass, Address Verification Data Collection Software (AVCDS), is the Cass Certified Address Verification Database. The new database offers improved indexing and retrieval performance over older versions, as well as a few extra features not found on any other product. If your company relies on mailing lists, you know the importance of getting precise address information. With the new database, companies can get information on all US residents, plus the addresses of foreign addresses. They can also get state-specific information, plus data on unincorporated areas and cities.


The goal of the company behind this product is to provide better services for companies that rely on mailing lists and address standards. The new database not only improves indexing and retrieval speed, but it also provides better address standardization. What is important in address standardization? Every address has a unique set of features, which must be standardized if we want to remain competitive in business. Therefore, the company that develops the standardizes the necessary features.

Features of CASS Database:

What types of features will you find in the new database? It includes both traditional list-making features as well as new ones. When you use a mailing list’s application, you may have to deal with duplicate addresses or inaccurate information. With the database, you can easily avoid these problems.

Did you know that cass’s address database can be used in conjunction with any other database products? Yes, you can use any product, including those sold by outside companies. Because of the open architecture of the application, any company’s mailing lists can be added into the system. This means that your company’s mailing list, which is now contained in the database, can be used to generate reports and further analyze your database’s performance. In short, you can use the database not only to expand your product line but to do research on your customers and target markets.

Is the database document-friendly? Yes, it is. The document-friendly feature comes from the fact that it can be opened easily using Microsoft Word. Not only does Word fit perfectly with the database, it also makes it easy for a company’s personnel to update or make any corrections to the data. Any changes can be quickly made without having to go through the process of re-immersing and reinstalling the software.

How are backup and recovery measures taken? Given the speed at which a company’s address database stores information, there is a great deal of flexibility in terms of recovery and backup procedures. If disaster strikes, the database can be recovered quickly to keep your company’s operations operating.

Does the address database include a review of each customer’s account information? No, it does not. This feature is actually an optional feature. If a customer provides incorrect or outdated contact information, the database can omit such customers when it is compiling customer data for mailing or electronic mailing campaigns. However, if you do want to use this database service, you can set up your accounts for automatic review of all addresses for potential mailings.

What other things should I know about the Cass Address Database (CAD)? Like all business databases, the address database stores records. The information included includes the name of the borrower, his previous addresses, whether he is a mortgage borrower, and whether he is still employed. The database also holds bank, vendor, and credit information for customers.

How is the Cass Address Database organized? The database is arranged by category and region. Each business in the category appears on a drop-down list and is further categorized by its address. The database can be viewed in landscape or vertical views.


Is there a way to run the database as a secure server? Yes, there is a way to do this. You can request that the database is accessed over a secure network. There are Secure Socket Layer (SSL) servers that can be used for this purpose. Once you have set up your secure network, you can access the database and all of its features from your company computer.

Is the Cass Address Database software retrievable using a SQL-compatible database program? Yes, it is. The data entered into the database can be retrieved easily using any database software that was designed to handle an address database. You can also update the address data in the database by altering the information entered into the system. Changes to addresses can be made either by manual entry or by using an address database wizard that is included with the software.